Happy Halloween!

With the spookiest day of the year coming up we hope everyone has a safe and wonderful time!



We all know how delicious those fun-sized Halloween bars are. It seems harmless to grab a few candies here and there. Before we know it, we have eaten the whole box of Halloween candy that was being saved to hand out to the kids! Here are a few tips to have a healthier Hallowen:

  • Buy candy that you don’t love. A simple way to avoid eating Halloween candy is to purchase the candy that isn’t your favourite. It's pretty tough to have a bowl of your favourite mini chocolate bars just sitting there!
  • Replace the candy with better choices. It is a great idea to buy or make some of your favourite healthy snacks to avoid reaching for unhealthy options. Pro Tip: Put fruit and veggies in a number of small containers for easy grab and go!
  • Manage your hunger. Ensuring that you eat a proper breakfast, lunch and dinner is one of the most important steps to avoid unhealthy snacking. Good nutrition is also key to good bone and joint health!
  • Wait to buy candy. Buying your Halloween candy one or two days before Halloween limits the amount of time the candy is sitting in your house. If it is not in your house, you will crave it less!
  • Store Halloween treats out of sight. This one is fairly simple. Don’t store the Halloween treats on your kitchen counter. Think “out of sight, out of mind”.
  • Take time to enjoy the Halloween treats that you do eat. You can still enjoy Halloween treats by taking time to savor them. By slowly eating your snacks, you can really enjoy eating them! This will allow you to appreciate the snack and eat less. 
  • Do your physio exercises! If you DO happen to east a few extra pieces of the good stuff how about a couple extra minutes on the bike? Or ask your Physio or one of our Exercise Therapists if you're ready for a progression in your program.
SO good!

SO good!

Make sure to stop by the clinic for some treats! Bonus points if you're in costume!