Spring Cleaning 101

1. Use proper lifting technique to move heavy items
     - Position the item directly in front of you so you do not have to twist and keep it          close to your body.
     - Keep you back flat and bend from the hips and knees. Avoid rounding the back          and shoulders when lifting.
     - If an item is too heave to move alone ask for help. If it is still too heavy, then save      your back and just clean around it

2. Try to avoid carrying too much stuff, especially if going up or down stairs
     - Always try and keep a hand free so you can reach for the stair railing.
     - Make sure your vision is clear so you can see where you are going and avoid and        unexpected surprises.

3. Use caution when on a ladder or step stool.
     - If possible, have someone hold and stabilize the ladder for you.
     - Make sure you set the ladder or step stool up on a flat even and dry surface.
     - Avoid leaning too far to one side when on a ladder or step stool. The general rule       of thumb is that your belly button should not pass the outside of the ladder or               stool.

4. Wear proper footwear to prevent slips/falls and to protect your toes
     - Wear shoes that are supportive and have proper grip.
     - Protect your toes by wearing closed toed shoes instead of sandals or flip flops. 

5. Take frequent breaks and stay hydrated.
     - We all want to push through and get the job done, but try to take breaks so you          are not fatigued. Most injuries occur when you are tired or are rushing to get the          job done. 
     - When working in the yard or garden try to avoid prolonged repetitive motions             such as digging, planting trimming and pruning. Use tools to prevent being in a             bad posture for extended periods of time.