Cross Country Skiing

Whether you are trying out skiing as a new activity or preparing for the Canadian Birkebeiner Ski Festival here are a few exercises to keep you on the trail.

Multi Directional Resisted Hip Exercise

This exercise works the hip in 4 directions. You want to start with resistance tubing anchored to a low point and wrapped around one ankle. The leg that is doing the work is the one that has the tubing wrapped around the ankle. If you need help with balance hold onto a chair or use a broom stick to assist. Complete 10 reps before moving to the next move. 

A. Extension
Start by facing the direction that the tubing is anchored and stand back far enough that there is tension on the tubing. Slowly extend the one leg (the one that has tubing wrapped around it) back, keeping the knee straight. Stop just before you feel the back starting to arch. Lower the leg back in and repeat 10 times. If you are a "Skate Skier" you can do this exercise performing the skate motion instead. 


B. Abduction
Turn 90 degrees so you are now facing sideways and that the outside leg is the working leg. Slowly bring outside leg out, keeping the knee straight. Stop just before you start to feel yourself lean or the foot is a few inches off the ground. Bring the leg back in and repeat 10 times.  

C. Flexion
Turn 90 degrees so you are now facing forward away from where the tubing is anchored. Slowly bring the leg forward, as if you are kicking a ball. Stop when the foot is a few inches off the ground. Return to the start position and repeat 10 times. 

D. Adduction
Turn 90 degrees so you are now facing sideways and the working leg is on the inside. Start with a wider stance so you are able to bring the outside leg in towards to middle of the body. Stop when the inside foot crosses in front of the opposite foot.  Slowly bring the leg back out and repeat 10 times. 

Hip Flexor Stretch
Begin standing tall with a long staggered stance, one leg forward and the leg to be stretched behind you.  Maintaining a tall posture, gently bend the front knee forward and move forward through your hips to feel a stretch through the top of the thigh of the back leg.  Make sure your heels stay on the ground. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds and repeat 2-3 times. 

Butterfly Groin Stretch
Start by lying on the ground on your back with the soles of both feet  together. Allow knees to fall out to the sides. Hold stretch for 10-15 seconds, relax for 10 sec then repeat 2-3 times.